About the Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles

Worldwide Humanitarian Service of the Sri Chinmoy Centres

“Our humanitarian service is not our self-motivated, condescending act of charity to the poor and the needy. It is a gigantic opportunity to feed, nourish and strengthen our own poor brothers and sisters so that they can, side by side, march along with us to proclaim the world-oneness-victory of God the Creation.”

Sri Chinmoy
Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles Founder

Humanitarian Relief

Working closely with other aid agencies, governments, local NGO’s, national leaders, community groups and corporations, The Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles obtains and distributes medical, pharmaceutical, domestic and educational supplies in programmes that respond to disaster relief requests, health and education needs and regional development projects.

Abhijatri and Balarka Robinson – our South African coordinators – are surrounded by children at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Day

Initiatives for Children

Over the years we have developed many beautiful programs to involve children, such as Kids to Kids, Drawings of Love, and Dolls for Africa

Our group

The Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles was founded and inspired by the international world harmony leader Sri Chinmoy. We have no political, religious or corporate affiliations and are entirely staffed by volunteers who organise the collection, storage, transportation and distribution of all materials to their worldwide destinations.

The Czech Oneness-heart Tears and Smiles team