At the inspiration of our friend Princess Febri Dipokusomo, a district Governor of Rotary International in Java, our Kids to Kids project teamed up with Rotary to distribute gifts and joy to disabled and disadvantaged children throughout Indonesia. The project was a huge success, connecting us with children in 14 cities across 5 islands and 6 provinces.
We really appreciate this beautiful note of thanks from Princess FebriPrincess Febri, Prince Dipokusomo and family prepare the goodie bags for distribution throughout IndonesiaSpreading gifts and happiness in Solo City, JavaDelivering Happiness in Solo City with Rotaract Club (Rotary Club’s Partner), Central JavaSemarang, East JavaKendal, Central JavaKudus, East JavaBaliSurabaya City, East JavaKupang, Nusa Tenggara (in West Timor)Madiun, East JavaMakassar, SulawesiNorth LombokPalu, SulawesiSidoarjo, East JavaBatu, East JavaMalang City, East Java Princess Febri in Solo with her family