We are offering posters and vinyl banners to schools and children’s hospitals, with positive affirmations on cheerfulness, kindness, happiness and hope.

The short haiku-like poems, are by our founder, Sri Chinmoy, a prolific author and poet, whose writings have inspired people all over the world.
If you are a teacher or medical staff, please get in touch with us, with your selection of banners/posters, and we can mail it to you free of charge. The posters and banner can be translated by our team to other languages.
The posters
Hospitals in Italy
In March, at the height of the spread of Covid-19 in Italy, a message of hope spread throughout the country: “Andrà tutto bene”, meaning “Everything will be alright”. Laura Alongi, our Italian Oneness-Heart Tears and Smiles co-ordinator, discovered a poem by Sri Chinmoy that included the English phrase, and created the banner shown here.

This banner, plus another one, was presented to Dr Tiziano Attardo, director of the emergency room at Canicatti Hospital in Sicily. Dr Attardo plans to arrange for the display of these posters in hospitals all over Italy.
The set of 7 ‘rainbow’ posters were also displayed in Giovanni di Cristina Pediatric hospital in Palermo, Sicily.

These banners constitute a bridge that unites different parts of the world
Lisa Termini
Pediatrician specialising in treatment of cystic fibrosis
Every day I am admiring this beautiful rainbow as I recieve an important signal of hope and serenity
Hospital volunteer